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Die Zweiteilung des Körpers. Eine Kritik an Sartres Philosophie der Körperlichkeit

Zurück zum Heft: Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte. Band 66,2
DOI: 10.28937/9783787349746_13
EUR 16,90

Sartre’s philosophy of the body is often presented as a viable alternative to Cartesian dualism and even as a solution to the mind-body problem. However, in this paper, I challenge this view. I argue that instead of resolving or dissolving the mind-body problem, Sartre’s theory leads to a bifurcation of embodiment. The problem is merely displaced, and the new Sartrean dualism that emerges is, in some respects, even more radical than its Cartesian predecessor. Consequently, Sartre’s philosophy of the body does not advance our understanding of the relationship between mind and body. Rather, it exacerbates their opposition and renders a unified account of human beings impossible.