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Über die Natur der Sprache

Kulturphilosophie als Programm einer nicht-reduktionistischen und anti-dualistischen Beschreibungssprache

Zurück zum Heft: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024/1: Natur
DOI: 10.28937/9783787349029_7
EUR 16,90

What we know today as philosophy of culture has its very disparate beginnings in the reflections on language, which plays a significant role both as a marker of difference in the human form of life (natura altera) and as a central medium of cultivation (individual, people/nation, humanity). Here we encounter an ostensibly naturalistic a culturalistic use of the term nature in the theories of Humboldt and Hegel. The lines of this ambiguity converge with Ernst Cassirer.