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Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022-1

Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022-1. 2022. 198 Seiten. Unverändertes eBook der 1. Auflage von 2022.
978-3-7873-4318-8. eJournal (PDF)
DOI: 10.28937/9783787343188
EUR 58,00

Im Buch blättern


Bégout, Bruce: Phenomenology and Ontology of Ambiences. Some Clarifications

In this article, we wish to clarify the way of being and appearing of ambiences. This is achieved, first of all, by distinguishing them from lived experiences on the one hand, and external things, on the other; then, by making the hypothesis of a third mode of being which comes from what stands between the subjects and the objects and which belongs to neither one nor the other. Finally, our proposal aims at showing that if atmospheres are properties of situations even before subjects feel them, then they feel them anyway only as these intrinsic and presubjective properties.

Carus, Clara: Heidegger’s Concept of Time in Logic: The Question of Truth.

In his 1925/26 lecture Logic: The Question of Truth Heidegger turns to an interpretation of the Critique of Pure Reason in order to elucidate his own understanding of time. The largely overlooked lecture series, I argue, is at the root of Heidegger’s exposition of the concept of time and its relationship with human existence (Dasein). Although Heidegger claims that Kant’s concept of time is confined to that of ‘world-time,’ Heidegger develops the first exposition of his understanding of time as ur-temporality via critical analysis of the Critique of Pure Reason. The investigation reveals the conceptual context behind the relationship between time and Dasein, which develops out of Heidegger’s first in-depth interpretation of the Critique of Pure Reason.

Ekweariri, Dominic Nnaemeka : Imitating Art Beyond Copies. The Non-specular and Active Mimesis from Within

According to Martin Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art, the truth of Being is disclosed in artworks. With this as a starting point, one wonders if this (truth of Being) is encounterable given its metaphysical/ontological condensation. We elaborate, one way, in which artworks have been contemplated in the history of the philosophy of art – namely, mimesis. Two possibilities are opened up in this regard: the first (e. g. Aristotle) credits the reproduction of copies/likeness of the original to mimesis, whereas the second (e. g. Kant) does not. Richir stands out for discrediting mimesis of artworks via copies as sufficient means to encounter the truth of Being. This insufficiency is overcome by a phenomenological path, within the context of his revolutionary interpretation of the Husserlian “perceptive” phantasy, of a non-mediated, non-specular, active, affective and bodily access – fromwithin (Mimesis) – to the truth of Being in art works. This renders Heidegger’s intuition fruitful. This article aims to concretize Richir’s position using illustrations from literary works.

Gondek, Hans-Dieter: Über’s Übersetzen und über den praktischen Umgang mit Übersetzungen – am Beispiel einiger Werke von Paul Ricoeur und ihrer Übertragungen ins Deutsche.

Übersetzungskritik findet gewöhnlich bestenfalls marginal als ein Aspekt inhaltlicher Buchrezension statt. Hier nun wird der Versuch unternommen, für ein ausgesuchtes Segment der Werke Paul Ricoeurs – seine Philosophie des Willens und seine Auseinandersetzung mit Psychoanalyse und Strukturalismus – die vorliegenden Übersetzungen ausführlich auf ihre Machart und Qualität, aber auch auf grundlegende übersetzerische Entscheidungen hin zu befragen, deren Implikationen teils weit über die jeweiligen Werke hinaus die Rezeption von Autoren, Diskursen und Theorien betreffen. Bei aller Anerkennung des Bemühens von Übersetzern und der Notwendigkeit des Übersetzens steht am Ende ein klares Plädoyer dafür, dass für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Originaltext die alles entscheidende Instanz ist.

Ip, Leonard: Geschichte als Grenzproblem . Zum metaphysischen Horizont der Frage nach dem Ursprung der Geometrie

This paper aims to bring a hidden “metaphysical” horizon in Husserl’s famous text “The Origin of Geometry” to light. This will be achieved in three steps: first, by analyzing the two essential manners in which the problem of history is thematized in this text, namely, both as a “basic problem” and as a “limit problem”; second, by highlighting the direct connection of this twofold problematization of history to Husserl’s own concept of metaphysics; and third, by exploring the relation between the “metaphysical” limit-problem of history implicit in the “Geometry” text and the explicit historical reflections in the Crisis itself. In so doing, Husserl’s concept of metaphysics, which remains largely unknown, and the thematization of history as a “limit problem” in phenomenology, which gives expression to the fundamental engagement of phenomenology in history, can be illuminated through each other.

Jean, Grégori: La nature de l’apparaître.

Dans la lignée de certaines intuitions de Mikel Dufrenne, la phénom´enologie française tente actuellement d’opérer un tournant en direction d’une « phénoménologie de la nature » dont le propre est de conférer à l’apparaître lui-même une puissance « ontogénétique ». L’objectif de cet article est de circonscrire de manière critique ce nouveau paradigme en montrant que, s’il suppose à juste de titre de rompre avec deux dogmes fondamentaux que la phénoménologie « historique » avait hérités du kantisme, il suscite néanmoins un certain nombre de difficultés que la pensée de M. Henry permet de circonscrire et dont il est nécessaire de prendre acte avec lucidité.

Knack, Monika, Martin, Lily, Fuchs, Thomas: Fragmentierte Zeitlichkeit Ein phänomenologisches Modell der Schizophrenie.

The variety of symptoms associated with schizophrenia are not easily unified under one coherent concept. Nevertheless, under the gaze of phenomenology, a disturbance of pre-reflexive experience has become increasingly apparent as the basis of the condition, which has so far been understood in two different ways: on the one hand, as a disturbance of basal self-experience, of my-ness or ipseity (Louis Sass, Josef Parnas, Dan Zahavi) and on the other hand, as a disturbance of the passive synthesis of inner time consciousness (Aaron Mishara, Shaun Gallagher, Thomas Fuchs). The present work introduces a link between the two approaches by regarding the basal self-experience grounded in an inner time consciousness. Schizophrenia is thus described as a disturbance of the temporal constitution of self-experience, which on the one hand causes self-alienation and on the other impairs the pre-reflexive, embodied performance of thinking, perceiving and moving. These analyses are then applied to the social dimension of the disorder, which manifests itself, among other symptoms, in the loss of spontaneous attunement with others.

Kühn, Rolf: Freiheit und Situation in Jean-Paul Sartres präreflexiv-dialektischer Bewusstseinsanalyse als „Selbstgewahrsein“.

Until now, the research literature on Sartre has hardly taken into account the originary necessity of an affective self-consent in the act of transcendence of consciousness. For this purpose, Sartre’s basic axioms of freedom, situation, decision, and dialectical practice with others are successively analyzed in order to reveal the respective self-event as rooted in a pre-reflexive pre-givenness.


Thomas Fuchs: Randzonen der Erfahrung. Beiträge zur phänomenologischen Psychopathologie
Dominique Pradelle: Intuition et idéalités. Phénoménologie des objets mathématiques