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Metaphysischer – Physikalischer – Ästhetischer „Raum“

Dimensionen einer Äquivokation

Zurück zum Heft: Phänomenologische Forschungen 2008
DOI: https://doi.org/10.28937/1000107953
EUR 14,90

Edmund Husserl characterizes the problem of equivocation as crucial whenever it comes to the point of differentiating between the genuine philosophical and the genuine scientific view on the world. According to Husserl, equivocation in the first respect is an inevitable result of the fact that the phenomenologist has to use the common language, which is bound to the natural attitude. The natural attitude belongs to science as such, but has to be avoided in philosophical ways of description. In the following article, the equivocation concerning the notion of „space“ stands for the problem in general. The phenomenological concept of „space“ refers to the aesthetic dimension of the notion, which is the basis of both, the philosophical, i.e. metaphysical dimension, and the physical, i.e. scientific dimension. Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and Edmund Husserl discuss the notion of „space“ from different perspectives, each of which can be understood as contributing to the foundation of a sound inter-disciplinary dialogue between philosophy and the sciences.