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Kulturelle Existenz und anthropologische Konstanten

Zur philosophischen Anthropologie Ernst Cassirers

Zurück zum Heft: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2009/2: Cassirer
DOI: https://doi.org/10.28937/1000106526
EUR 14,90

This contribution deals with Ernst Cassirer's appreciative attitude to the philosophical anthropology of his time and its self-conception. The question of the relationship between Cassirer's philosophical anthropology and his philosophy of culture with its basis in the theory of symbolism presuppose or explain one another is investigated on the basis of four critical points. The unpublished texts on the subject (ECN 6) and in particular the concluding remarks revolve around the question of the interrelationship between the biological and the symbolic or cultural dimensions of human existence. The final demonstration of six possible anthropological »constants« of human existence serve to supplement the methodological discussion with substantive issues.