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Die Satire als invektive Gattung

Zurück zum Heft: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 1/2021, Schwerpunktheft: Invektive Gattungen
DOI: 10.2478/kwg-2021-0024
EUR 0,00

A discussion of satire as borderline case of invectivity will be presented in this paper. The particular focus lies on literary debates in eighteenth-century Britain and in Germany. British satirists like Dryden, Haywood or Pope described ridicule and sarcasm as main features of satire, however, it was viewed as necessary to uphold the distinction between satire and libel resp. lampoon. This distinction was explained by concepts of urban wit or raillery. In German literature Wieland introduced the concept of wit in his satirical writings, however, since romanticism it was replaced with the opposition between sarcasm and ‚Humor‘.