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Bestsellerlisten in Theorie und Empirie. Ansätze einer Literatursoziologie des Populären

Zurück zum Heft: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 2/2024
DOI: 10.28937/9783787349319_8
EUR 0,00

The current popularity paradoxes of the book market (book enthusiasm on digital platforms on the one hand, decline in book sales on the other) are best illustrated by bestseller lists. To this end, the article conceptualizes bestseller lists as a medium of second-order popularization in contrast to other evaluation practices in the literary field that engage in first-order popularization (e.g. literary prizes). Based on theoretical approaches and empirical findings, the article shows how bestseller lists are modified in order to react to the continuous depopularization of the book and the competition from digital platforms such as Amazon and TikTok. It thus argues for a literary sociology of the popular.