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Whiteness. Grenzen weißer Wirklichkeiten

Zurück zum Heft: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024/2: Randphänomene
DOI: 10.28937/9783787349487_6
EUR 16,90

The article explores white realities through a phenomenological lens, emphasizing their relational and selective nature. Drawing from key thinkers such as Sara Ahmed, Charles W. Mills, and George Yancy, it examines how whiteness operates as an unmarked epistemic norm shaping perception, speech, and actions. By addressing the “blind spots” of white positionality it highlights the limits of universalist claims in philosophy. The text advocates for the de-centering of white perspectives through encounters with the “Other,” fostering a critical awareness of whiteness as contingent and transformative. Ultimately, it underscores the necessity of “unlearning” to dismantle embodied racial structures.