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›What’s your mood?‹ Zur Affektstruktur von Spotify-Playlists

Zurück zum Heft: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 2/2024
DOI: 10.28937/9783787349319_4
EUR 0,00

This article traces the affective structure of Spotify playlists. In contrast to classical music charts on the one hand and mixtapes and ›alternative critics‹ charts on the other, Spotify playlists are analyzed in terms of their affective structure regards authority, valuation, circulation and the status of users and things. Borrowing the concept of ›affective practice‹ (Margaret Wetherell), I capture the interplay of everyday listening practices with the algorithmʼsmodes of operation. The Spotify charts are then used to show what status the charts have within the platform, and how they are getting competition frommood playlists which implement affect on the platform interface. Finally, the ›algorithmic imaginaries‹ (Taina Bucher) in which the algorithm is figurated by users as an affective, evaluative instance are sketched out. The article argues that a new relationship between lists and popularity develops within the Spotify universe: Lists do not simply claim popularity, lists themselves become popular. In this way, an internal platformcompetition of lists qua circulation emerges, in which Spotify charts become increasingly challenged by personalized, mood and genre playlists.