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Umformulierungen einer unvermeidlichen Frage

Über prominenten und weniger prominenten Gebrauch von »Theodizee«

Back to issue: Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte. Band 47
DOI: 10.28937/9783787336777_6
EUR 16.90

Until today the question of »theodicy« is very much contested among philosophers and theologians. Some hold the problem to be principally unsolvable, while others take the question for unavoidable. Since Leibniz the notion is generally used to explain the origin and function of evil or its allowing by God. This article deals with some occurences of »theodicy« in the 18th and 19th century, overlooked until now. Besides, the widely known essais on theodicy are interpreted as being permanent transformations of the original question. E. g. Kant designes a concept of »authentic theodicy« in which man is called up to fight against the evil by his own means. During the French Revolution G. Forster hopes for a kind theodicy as political improvement of mankind. For Schelling and Hegel the course of world history is the real theodicy. Finally, for Nietzsche art is the only sufficient theodicy, the aesthetic justification of the world. Later on Nietzsche attacks all kinds of theodicy as they ask for the meaning of existence instead of believing in the innocence of all development.