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Die Kultur der Philosophie

Simmels Beiträge zu den ersten Jahrgängen des Logos

Back to issue: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020/2: LOGOS
DOI: 10.28937/1000108526
EUR 16.90

Simmel was (at least quantitatively) the main contributor to Logos. His engagement for the journal coincides with the philosophical turn in his oeuvre that culminates in his late work The View of Life (Lebensanschauung); earlier versions for three of its four main chapters had been previously published in Logos. The essay follows the hypothesis of an intrinsic relation between the content of a philosophy of culture the way Simmel developed it in the last decade of his life, and the essentially essay- istic form of this philosophy that found its primary medium of articulation in the journal of Logos. The essay thus contributes to a clarification of the motives that motivated Simmel to participate in this new international format of publication and it offers insights into the hopes he pinned on the development of the journal.