This article offers the first phenomenological clarification of the objective conditions for sensory illusions focusing on the noematic ‘idea’ and a priori ontological structure that regulate the appearances of illusory things in perception. First, I will show the necessity of eidetic and noematically oriented investigations, arguing that it is an analysis of how the essence ‘Thinghood’ functions transcendentally that leads to an a priori clarification of both illusory things and their corresponding multiplicities of appearances. Accordingly, I will consider the correlate of material perception according to both its formal and material ontological structures and focus on the a priori principle of coordination and the laws of mutability and reversibility that set the framework for an analysis a parte obiecti. I will then examine the process of typification, the psycho-physical conditionality of the lived-body, and the constitution of different levels of normality and abnormality. Within this expanded analysis, I will provide a clarification of ‘false’ sensory appearances showing how both deceptive and resilient illusory cases can be scientifically accounted for on a phenomenological basis and in accordance with natural-empirical laws.
- | Kapitel kaufen CoverU1
- | Kapitel kaufen Inhaltsverzeichnis3
- | Kapitel kaufen Andrea Cimino: Husserl on Illusory Things – Prolegomena to any Noematic, Onto-Phenomenological Clarification of Sensory Illusion5
- | Kapitel kaufen Abstract5
- | Kapitel kaufen Introduction5
- | Kapitel kaufen An Eidetic, Noematically Oriented, Onto-Phenomenological Clarification8
- | Kapitel kaufen Formal and Material Ontology (1): Sensory Illusions of Individua and their Variants17
- | Kapitel kaufen Formal and Material Ontology (2): Sensory Illusions of Things20
- | Kapitel kaufen Illusory Things (1): The Principle of Coordination and the A Priori Laws of Mutability and Reversibility26
- | Kapitel kaufen Illusory Things (2): The Psycho-Physical Condition of the Lived-Body, Subjective and Inter-Subjective Levels of Normality and Abnormality, ˋFalse' Appearances30
- | Kapitel kaufen Illusory Things (3): Typification of the Causal-Material Relations of Things with their Surroundings, the Distinction Between Deceptive and Resilient/Incorrigible Illusions36
- | Kapitel kaufen Conclusion38
- | Kapitel kaufen Till Grohmann: Lotze, Bolzano, Husserl: Über Begriffe, Abstraktion und Wesen41
- | Kapitel kaufen Abstract41
- | Kapitel kaufen 1. Begriffe und Abstraktion in Lotzes Logik43
- | Kapitel kaufen 2. Begriffe und Abstraktion in Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre49
- | Kapitel kaufen 3. Bedeutung und Abstraktion bei Husserl56
- | Kapitel kaufen Schluss64
- | Kapitel kaufen Stefan W. Schmidt: Der gestaltete Ort – Entwurf einer phänomenologischen Topologie des Designs67
- | Kapitel kaufen Abstract 67
- | Kapitel kaufen Einleitung67
- | Kapitel kaufen 1. Phänomenologische Topologie69
- | Kapitel kaufen 1.1 Topologie der Leiblichkeit71
- | Kapitel kaufen 1.2 Topologie der Dinge73
- | Kapitel kaufen 2. Design als topologische Gestaltung79
- | Kapitel kaufen Nicola Spano: Habits of Phantasy and the Possibility of A Priori Knowledge 87
- | Kapitel kaufen Abstract87
- | Kapitel kaufen 1. Pure Essences and Eidetic Variation90
- | Kapitel kaufen 2. Arbitrariness, Freedom and Disconnectedness94
- | Kapitel kaufen 3. The Insufficiency of Totally Free Variation96
- | Kapitel kaufen 4. Motivation, Habits, and Associations99
- | Kapitel kaufen 5. The Habits of Phantasy and the Eidetic Variation101
- | Kapitel kaufen 6. Concluding Remarks: Habits of Phantasy and A Priori Knowledge104
- | Kapitel kaufen Hannes Wendler: Methodological Reductionism in Realistic Phenomenology. – The Completion of the Reduction in Philosophical Anthropology: Reconciling Scientific, Phenomenological/Apollonian, Dionysian and Cathartic Reduction109
- | Kapitel kaufen Abstract109
- | Kapitel kaufen On the Reduction in Realistic Phenomenology110
- | Kapitel kaufen Phenomenological Reductionism and Epochism: Methodological Considerations of the Reduction115
- | Kapitel kaufen The Realistic Critique: Suspending the Moment of Reality without a Theory of Reality122
- | Kapitel kaufen Technological Reductionism in Philosophical Anthropology: Scientific, Phenomenological/Apollonian, Dionysian and Cathartic Reduction126
- | Kapitel kaufen Man amidst White Nights145
- | Kapitel kaufen Buchbesprechungen147
- | Kapitel kaufen Autorinnen und Autoren169