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Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2011/2: Kulturalisierung

Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie (ZKph) 2011/2. 2011. 258 Seiten.
978-3-7873-2198-8. Kartoniert
EUR 44.00

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Bernhard Kleeberg/Andreas Langenohl: »Culturalisation, deculturalisation«
This article discusses variations in the analytic category of »culture« which has recently become prominent, with respect to ideal-typical idiomologies of deculturalisation as well as culturalisation. They are examined against the background of the systematic differentiations that are formulated in the renewed epistemic perspective of constructivism, deconstructivism and essentialism.

Pradeep Chakkarath: »Psychology and culture.On the problem of adequate understanding and method«
Taking psychology and its attempt to deal scientifically with the meaning of culture as an example, this article outlines the meaning of various historiographic narratives of disciplinary self-perception with regard to tensions between the natural and cultural sciences. The thesis postulates that these self-images are of psychological, especially cultural-psychological, importance. Only a psychology that includes aspects of the cultural sciences is able to deal with this vital aspect of the broader field.

Levent Tezcan: »Varieties of culturalisation«
The strong focus seen on »culture«, as it describes itself or is described, has lead to critical reflection on the term's ubiquitous use. In the current article various forms of »culturalisation« are traced and put in the context of a wider diagnosis of time, based on the example of the treatment of Muslim immigrants. Thereby, both the attribution of a collective identity and governmental strategies for the construction of an accountable Muslim community are examined. On the other hand, the attribution of a collective identity can be included in a modern theoretical programme that perceives the integration of a minority to be a cultural task. Finally, culturalisation arises, being explicitly used as a strategic argument in the interpretation of conflict insofar as it points out the »societal« causes of problem as an alternative to putting the emphasis on cultural origin.

Iris Därmann: »On the animal and the human.
Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and the question of zoology«
This paper deals with the frontier between nature and culture, whose clearest form is seen is the designation of the border between animals and human beings. It has the character of a not yet established divide which can, as in Heidegger, be broken down to a hermeneutic abyss or, as in Derrida, be pluralised in asymmetrical standpoints and chiastic convolutions.

Anna Schober: »›Gender‹ and (a-)symmetry«
In recent years cultural definitions of »gender« have had extraordinary institutional success. This paper analyses visual worlds that have been motivated by constructivist gender concepts that often display a pronounced symmetry. It relates them to competing images which present difference as scandal, as a mirrored form of the self, or as figurations, and which politicize a-symmetrical forms. The study looks into the social condition of publicity that is constituted by such »picture acts«.

Anil Bhatti: »Similarity and difference in culture and cultural theory«
The concept of »similarity« lies at the centre of this interview with Anil Bhatti. Distinguishing itself from a culturalistic hermeneutic of the familiar and the strange, it concentrates on the »as-well-as«, on the area »between« theories of difference and such aspects of identity. Through the notions of »translation« and »over-lapping«, of »the vague« and »the preliminary« this concept seeks to ameliorate cultural theory.