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Logique transcendantale et philosophie du monde de l’expérience. La critique husserlienne de Rickert en 1927

Back to issue: Phänomenologische Forschungen 2010
EUR 14.90

This article intends to clarify some of the problems raised by the opposition between the husserlian phenomenology and the neo-Kantian philosophy of the Heidelberg school on the basis of Husserl’s 1927 lessons about Nature and Spirit, where an accurate critique of Heinrich Rickert’s epistemology is developped. It is noteworthy that Husserl claims in this context that his phenomenology is more faithful to the Kantian philosophy than Rickert’s philosophy itself. The reconstruction of Husserl’s argumentation shows that the idea of a transcendental deduction of objectivity is the key to understand the disagreement between the two philosophers. It is then possible to suggest that what is at stake in this opposition concerns not only the definition of a transcendental logic, that is the question of the relationship between the being of the world and the knowledge of it, but also the problem of the relationship between rationality and intuition.